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If Time Could be Stuffed into our Pockets!

Sep 3, 2020

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What will the world look like if we could store, stretch or save time? I think the crime rate would be higher if we could somehow collect time and store it in our purses and/or pockets because I envision people stealing that possibly more than money…there never seems to be enough money to go around! BUT on a more positive note…would it not feel less hectic? No rushing to leave in the morning, just cash in your stored time for an extra 10 minutes.

Ahhhh. Okay, the daydream is over, back to reality unfortunately we cannot control time, but I once heard it is not time management it is self-management. Thinking of it that way really places the accountability back on us…which does not feel that great. But feeling like time is slipping away and/or that you are spinning out of control does not feel that great either, guess you have to select which feels worst for you.

If the feeling of never having enough time feels worst for you and you are ready to take accountability and commit to some new strategies please continue reading.

So here are some tips which you might find helpful and can contribute to you feeling as if you have had a productive day.

  1. Mindfully take note of when you have your game ‘A’ on. Are you morning person, a night owl or can you adapt to any situation? For example, an individual I worked with always felt most alert first thing in the morning, however, he had a young child and was expected to help with the morning routine. So, he had to adapt and negotiate with his wife that 2 mornings of the week he would be able to get into his zone without interruption and in return he would tackle the night routine a few days a week solo so his wife could have some time to herself.
  2. Prioritize your most important first. What they advise on all the airlines makes sense, it might not feel natural, but it makes sense… take care of yourself first so you can assist others. So, what I mean is participating in your own self-care first, is essential to successfully managing yourself within the timeframe you have on any given day. Get rid of the mental clutter through mindfulness, exercise, journaling and/or meditation. This will allow you to let go of pieces of the day which are not vital – allowing you to identify the essential tasks/responsibilities.
  3. Expect and schedule interruptions because you know it will happen. It is just a matter of when they will happen.
  4. Progress is the key as that will leave you feeling productive. So, this relates closely to point #2 -decide on which of the several tasks and/or responsibilities will lead to you feeling like you accomplished something. I like to call this Productive Prioritization.

Self-management is closely connected to one’s emotional well-being – when it is not in check it leaves one feeling fatigued, irritated and defeated. Couple this with our developed negative self-talk and high expectations at home and work equates to us stimulating our stress response in our bodies. This then can lead to a number of other health issues – sleep disturbances, mood alterations, headaches and other physiological symptoms to name a few.

Consistently applying a few new strategies could offer you insight as to how your day could flow for you. Keep your plan realistic by only trying a few new ways of functioning so that it can be sustained. Once you had a chance to evaluate its effectiveness then you can consider including some other strategies.

I would love to hear how you are working on your own self-care in this busy, fast paced society. We can all learn and grow from one another. Remember Your Time is NOW to offer help to another or embrace a new way of helping yourself.