N.O.W. Blog

Latest articles from Nurturing Our Well Being.

Change and Transformation

Change and Transformation

How long does it take you to identify what has changed between these two images? I took these pics in my backyard as I am always amazed by this one tree that literally will have its buds closed in the morning and by the late afternoon can be blooming flowers.  Change...

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Entrepreneur Next Steps Following a Business Closure

Entrepreneur Next Steps Following a Business Closure

Please let me introduce you to Carla Lopez an individual who retired a couple of years ago, but she didn’t lose her entrepreneurial spirit. She created Boomer Biz for retirees like herself who still have a desire to work and achieve. The site is a resource for people...

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My Guilt During These Unusual Times

My Guilt During These Unusual Times

June I am releasing two blogs as I have been neglecting this aspect of sharing with all of you over the last few months, so I doubled-Up this month. Thank you for your understanding. Thankfully by keeping up with my own self-care practice I have been able to alter...

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Is Burn-Out Part of The “New Norm”?

Is Burn-Out Part of The “New Norm”?

Burnout. We often hear about it happening to high-profile CEOs and athletes. Less attention gets placed on the burnout everyday people can feel. The easiest way to summarize the burnout many of us feel is by its cause: prolonged and excessive stress. In a world of...

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Self-Care can be seen as Taboo

Self-Care can be seen as Taboo

Something that I often see is people carrying stereotypes about Self-Care. First, they believe it is feminine. Second, that it is anything that “soothes,” you. Finally, people do it only because there is something wrong with them. These are false on all three fronts....

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