Is Burn-Out Part of The “New Norm”?

Is Burn-Out Part of The “New Norm”?

Burnout. We often hear about it happening to high-profile CEOs and athletes. Less attention gets placed on the burnout everyday people can feel. The easiest way to summarize the burnout many of us feel is by its cause: prolonged and excessive stress. In a world of...
The “4-Letter Word” in the Workplace can Boost Workplace Wellness

The “4-Letter Word” in the Workplace can Boost Workplace Wellness

“A company is stronger if bound by love than by fear.” – Herb Kelleher, cofounder of Southwest Airlines. When Kip Tindell, CEO of The Container Store, first heard Herb Kelleher’s words more than 40 years ago he was, and these are his own words, “…was completely taken...
Self-Care can be seen as Taboo

Self-Care can be seen as Taboo

Something that I often see is people carrying stereotypes about Self-Care. First, they believe it is feminine. Second, that it is anything that “soothes,” you. Finally, people do it only because there is something wrong with them. These are false on all three fronts....
Beyond Goal Setting for the New Decade

Beyond Goal Setting for the New Decade

We all have to-do lists. It is a natural part of being human. Even if you don’t write it down, it’s there. But is it the best method for getting stuff done? There is lots of science to back-up that writing down goals is a good way to stick to them. There is even more...
Afraid of Being Healthy???

Afraid of Being Healthy???

It might sound strange to hear, but the fear of being mentally healthy can exist and weigh on you. Being mentally healthy is a goal many of us strive for. We workout, we eat right, we go the therapy, and do everything we can to wade off the life-absorbing effects of...